Entries by Naveen Kapur


What is Content Management System (CMS)?

Content Management System (CMS) is a recent buzzword in website development. It has made management of websites a lot easy for common users, who do not have a sound technical knowledge of various programming languages and applications. CMS enables users to write, upload and store digital texts such as technical manuals, news articles, marketing brochures […]

10 tips to secure your joomla site

a. Set register_globals OFF b. Disable allow_url_fopen c. Adjust the magic_quotes_gpc directive as needed for your site. The recommended setting for Joomla! 1.0.x is ON to protect against poorly-written extensions. Joomla! 1.5 ignores this setting and works fine either way. d. Don’t use PHP safe_mode


Important Facts Related to an Expired Domain Name

a) Most people buy an expired domain name either to build a web site over it or to sell it at a higher price. Of late, trading or reselling in expire domain names is a cherished industry for many people. b) With an expired domain name, you can make money from the traffic arriving at […]

Getting Your Content Manager for Well-positioned to Have a Web Search Engine

Take into account the Search Engine optimization for the Web search engine positioning comes to implement a content manager can keep our investment in content is devalued by a poor presence in the search engines. The managers of content The generation, publication and file a huge number of pages in the major portals and Web […]